Download The Books

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The complete novel: "Just See Yourself" is now available as a free download.

Also available now, the complete Prequel to 'Just See Yourself': entitled "Now on Earth."

In Epub Format
In Mobi Formal
In PDF Format

Also available, the complete Third Book in the 'New Earth Series'; entitled "The Undecided."

In Epub Format
In Mobi Format
In PDF Format

Also available, the complete Fourth Book in the 'New Earth Series'; entitled "Set Free."

In Epub Format
In Mobi Format
In PDF Format

Also available, the complete Fifth and Final Book in the 'New Earth Series'; entitled "Released."

If you would like to support this work, you can buy a copy on Amazon, or help spread the word to others who might enjoy reading it.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much. I first downloaded these from Amazon and read them through. This time is the 3rd or 4th time. And just now I was able to find this blog. So much of what you have written is spot on. And my own personal research concurs with what you have written. Of course you did not know of covid or beards, but that is an update you may do at a future time. Than you again from an old timer. I was baptized at the Divine Will Convention in 1958. From a know-it-all college kid to baptism in 6 months. At 85 and a wheel chair I am so happy Jehovah has seen me through an interesting life to now. The future is incredibly bright
